01 Oct

Compare and Book Google Flights With Confidence

Find airline tickets on Google Flights, When you use Google Flights to search for airline tickets. You can get the best rates for where and when you want to travel. Use Google flights to:

Find and book round-trip, one-way or multi-city tickets

Use an interactive calendar and a price chart to find the best rates
Filter your flight search by cabin class, airlines and number of stops
Google Flights allows you to book flights of more than 300 members of air travel agencies and online. 

These associations have no impact on the classification of the offers that are suggested. Google can be remunerated when users click on a specific flight booking option and are redirected to the company / agency's website.

Find your flights
Go to Google Flights.

Enter your departure city or airport and destination. Note: You can also find destinations by clicking on a list of popular destinations or on a world map.
At the top, select your ticket type: unidirectional, round trip or multi-city.
At the top, select the number of passengers and the cabin class.
Click on the calendar to select the dates of your flight. You will see the lowest total price to fly per day. Note: The prices of the flights are updated approximately once every 24 hours.

To filter the results, click on Detentions, Airlines, Schedules or More.
Click Sort by to reorder flights. You can see the results in Best Flights (a predetermined order that offers you the best compensation between price and convenience, based on factors such as duration, number of stops and airport changes during stopovers), Price, Duration and Departure Time.
Choose a flight for each part of your trip.

Choose how you plan to book the flight:
When you click on Select for your ticket (s), you will usually be taken to the airline's website or to the online travel agency to complete the transaction.
If you choose Book on Google, you can complete the transaction without leaving Google.
In some cases, you can book tickets separately for a trip.
Once you have booked a flight, contact the airline or the online travel agency to confirm your reservation, change it, cancel it or resolve any problem that may arise.
For more information, check the terms and conditions of the airline or online travel agency on your site.
Note: If your flight can not be booked online, you will see instructions for booking by phone.

Flight information
After searching your tickets, "Flight Information" offers you options to optimize your travel experience.

Dates: Explore which travel dates have the best rates.

Airports: show rates for alternative airports.

Suggestions: See recommendations on when to book your ticket, cabin improvements, travel guides and more.

Price chart: If travel dates are flexible, explore price trends by month or by week.

Reserve separate tickets for a trip
Flights can be purchased as separate tickets from one or more partners. This option may appear when you could save money or open more flight schedules.

Instructions to buy tickets separately

Why some flights are not included
Google Flights uses more than 300 partners (for example, airlines, online travel agencies, aggregators) to show their offers. Not all airlines or flights available are included, since a partnership with Google is required. Some flights may not appear when:

Flights are sold out or not available.
The operator has not yet been added to Google Flights.

About luggage rates, prices and more
The price shown is only for the passenger air transport service and includes VAT / GST and airport taxes. Additional charges may apply (luggage, credit card, etc.). Rates may vary depending on the option of the chosen airline or travel agency online.

If you notice a discrepancy in the price after selecting your flight, use the comment button in the lower left corner of the screen when searching Google Flights.

Specific or additional insurance and / or commercial guarantees may be offered by the carriers. For more information, visit the operator's website.

* Compare and Book Google Flights With Confidence.


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